Opening concert
Göteborg International Organ Festival 2024
Welcome notes by representatives of the City of Göteborg, the University of Gothenburg, the ECHO Association (European Cities of Historical Cities), and the organ festival
Vocal ensemble from the Academy of Music and Drama under the direction of Per Högberg
Paula af Malmborg Ward (b. 1962)
In Time (Fanfare for organ) (2023)
Ligita Sneibe, organ
Improvisation In Other Time
Edoardo Bellotti, organ
Franz Danksagmüller (b. 1969)
Estampie (2007)
Ligita Sneibe, organ
Improvisation Estampie
Edoardo Belotti
Indra Riše (b. 1961)
Kalnā kāpējs/ Mountain Climber from Natura siderum (2023)
Ligita Sneibe, organ
Jehan Alain (1911–1940)
Deuxième Fantaisie, AWV 91 (1936)
Johannes Skoog, organ
Carl Unander-Scharin (b. 1964)
Inventio Processionis (Myrstack som i dröm) from Suite Processionis (2021)
Johannes Skoog, organ
Toccata Processionis II (Staccato-fåglar) from Suite Processionis (2021)
Johannes Skoog and Ligita Sneibe, organ